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Message boards : Number crunching : Sieving

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Profile vaughan
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Message 4066 - Posted: 26 Dec 2017, 5:07:54 UTC

Why is sieving for this project done by yoyo@home and not as a subproject here?

On my machines all the Siever tasks at yoyo abort immediately with a computation error so that project is useless to me.

Why don't you have a GPU sieve app like Primegrid has - PPS Sieve?

In your project information download it mentions the NPLB - No Prime Left Behind - project which is non-BOINC. Is this project SRBase really a BOINC version of NPLB?

Profile Henk Haneveld
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Message 4067 - Posted: 26 Dec 2017, 8:05:06 UTC - in response to Message 4066.

On the yoyo forum is a message that there was a error in the input files.

So you may want to have an other try.

Profile Odicin
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Message 4068 - Posted: 26 Dec 2017, 8:12:31 UTC - in response to Message 4066.

Hi vaughan,

Why is sieving for this project done by yoyo@home and not as a subproject here?

Because of the limited ressources in the srbase VM.

On my machines all the Siever tasks at yoyo abort immediately with a computation error so that project is useless to me.

Already on my side, but that was a fault. Now it's running fine again.

Why don't you have a GPU sieve app like Primegrid has - PPS Sieve?

Because for sieving the sr1sieve application is used. There is no known gpu version of this app.

In your project information download it mentions the NPLB - No Prime Left Behind - project which is non-BOINC. Is this project SRBase really a BOINC version of NPLB?

Not of NPLB, but it's the boinc side of the CRUS (Conjectures 'R Us) project.

Regards Odi

Profile Aurel
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Message 4077 - Posted: 31 Dec 2017, 19:21:10 UTC - in response to Message 4067.

On the yoyo forum is a message that there was a error in the input files.

So you may want to have an other try.

Yep, that was me stating that. This error was only for 2 runs because the files had an non-increasing n-value due to an error by creating the input file.

@Vaughan You should now get wu´s without errors. ;)

Anway: Happy new YEAR. (soon.)

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Message boards : Number crunching : Sieving

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