Posts by mikey
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1) Message boards : News : The server / project is restarted now (Message 9979)
Posted 16 Jun 2024 by Profile mikey
Welcome back and congratulations on the slow small rehab improvements. I had open heart surgery 23 months ago and it was also slow coming back but you will get there a bit at a time.

Bill F

I had open heart surgery, 3 way bypass, at the end of March this year and YES it gets better slowly and sometimes you have setbacks but as long as you keep putting one foot in front of the other it DOES get better!!

The other thing that helped me is doubling the electrolyte packets, I use Propel, as it gave me ALOT of energy that I was losing thru the Lasix pills I was, and still am, taking to keep the swelling down. I don't recommend the brand 'Liquid IV' as it's got 11 grams of sugar in each packet. The Liquid IV packets DO have about 3 times as much stuff in it as compared to the Propel packets but it seems like ALOT of that is sugar.

Liquid IV is likely to be used to make a hypotonic drink, which requires both salt and sugar. It's still waaaay less sugar than the usual isotonic sports drink you find in a store, which, based on a local example, is 6 grams of sugar on about 3.4oz (100 mL). Liquid IV is 11 grams on 16oz (about 473 mL).

I had not thought of it that way...thanks!! And yes I mix mine into 20 ounce sport bottles so even less.
2) Message boards : News : The server / project is restarted now (Message 9977)
Posted 15 Jun 2024 by Profile mikey
Welcome back and congratulations on the slow small rehab improvements. I had open heart surgery 23 months ago and it was also slow coming back but you will get there a bit at a time.

Bill F

I had open heart surgery, 3 way bypass, at the end of March this year and YES it gets better slowly and sometimes you have setbacks but as long as you keep putting one foot in front of the other it DOES get better!!

The other thing that helped me is doubling the electrolyte packets, I use Propel, as it gave me ALOT of energy that I was losing thru the Lasix pills I was, and still am, taking to keep the swelling down. I don't recommend the brand 'Liquid IV' as it's got 11 grams of sugar in each packet. The Liquid IV packets DO have about 3 times as much stuff in it as compared to the Propel packets but it seems like ALOT of that is sugar.
3) Message boards : News : The server / project is restarted now (Message 9974)
Posted 12 Jun 2024 by Profile mikey

Welcome back!! It sounds like rehab went well, don't over exert yourself for US, we will understand if you need to take a break so you don't get too tired!!

4) Message boards : News : server shutdown on 20.05. (Message 9956)
Posted 8 May 2024 by Profile mikey
We will be back in full force when you are ready for us, you take care of you first and worry about us further on down the line!!

5) Message boards : Cafe : Rebirther is currently in hospital. (Message 9943)
Posted 1 May 2024 by Profile mikey
At least you are in German hospitals, they seems to be somewhat high quality.

For some of the Germans, not for all.

That's sad!!, I hope Reb has a good one!!

It seems like he was as he's scheduled for rehab!!!
6) Message boards : News : project update (Message 9942)
Posted 1 May 2024 by Profile mikey
After returning from the hospital after a stroke, there has been a little progress with health. in 3 weeks a rehab is planned.

project updates so far:

- cert update
- gimps reserved results have all been reported
- server backup

still to be done...

2 results still need to be reported
RAM check as planned since 2 weeks

Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes, I wish everything would be better, maybe we'll be back at full speed in a month

That's GREAT news Reb!!! I'm VERY VERY glad you are back and 'working on things' just be sure to take care of Reb FIRST!!

I am just getting ready to start rehab myself, middle of next month, for a 3 way heart bypass they did on me at the end of last month!! There are things that NEED to be done and there's a LONG list of things it would be nice to get done. REB is on the NEED to do list, the rest can wait for you to be healthy again my friend!!
Take care and I am hoping for a speedy and FULL recovery for you, and I!!

7) Message boards : Cafe : Rebirther is currently in hospital. (Message 9938)
Posted 30 Apr 2024 by Profile mikey
At least you are in German hospitals, they seems to be somewhat high quality.

For some of the Germans, not for all.

That's sad!!, I hope Reb has a good one!!
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Dual GPU. Ideas for better cooling? (Message 9936)
Posted 30 Apr 2024 by Profile mikey
Let's say there's no space in the case. I can't move or add anything. I did some math now and sadly there's no space for a liquid cooled solution.

Seems that software is everything i can change.

No problem for the productivity loss since the alternative is not running the project. Especially if less productivity also means less electricity and so expenses.

I think i found a solution for now. -6% power. Maybe in summer i'll also add a -10% voltage.

Thank you guys.

Lots of times you can find new/used cases pretty cheaply if you aren't pushed for time, which you aren't, so if you have the time and know how you can swap things over to a new case giving you the room you need.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Dual GPU. Ideas for better cooling? (Message 9930)
Posted 27 Apr 2024 by Profile mikey
Thank you. Any help is welcome.

Now i was thinking about undervolt.

Is it ok for BOINC projects?

Yes but you could lose some productivity, YES for some people it's worth it anyway especially for those who have very high electricity rates.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Dual GPU. Ideas for better cooling? (Message 9925)
Posted 27 Apr 2024 by Profile mikey
I've 2 RX 6700 XT. It's a dual GPU setup.

1st one gets hot like hell because of the hot air it takes from the 2nd and the 2nd still runs a bit too hot.

The 1st one becomes so hot that i can't run the project since it goes in thermal throttling.

Bigger MB with more gpu slots so you can spread them out a bit? The other is to swap the back plates of the gpu's so you can use water cooling.

ps I asked a guy in another group if he'd give you a better answer as he is FAR more experienced in that type of thing than I am, he may ore may not reply but either way give him a couple of days.

11) Message boards : Number crunching : Dual GPU. Ideas for better cooling? (Message 9924)
Posted 26 Apr 2024 by Profile mikey
I've 2 RX 6700 XT. It's a dual GPU setup.

1st one gets hot like hell because of the hot air it takes from the 2nd and the 2nd still runs a bit too hot.

The 1st one becomes so hot that i can't run the project since it goes in thermal throttling.

Bigger MB with more gpu slots so you can spread them out a bit? The other is to swap the back plates of the gpu's so you can use water cooling.
12) Message boards : Cafe : Rebirther is currently in hospital. (Message 9916)
Posted 17 Apr 2024 by Profile mikey
Get well soon Reb, we will all be here when you get back!!

13) Message boards : Number crunching : Server Shutdown - for Hardware Check (Message 9910)
Posted 13 Apr 2024 by Profile mikey
Should we expect a zero recent average credit?

I would think a restart would not be unexpected...

There is a delay in checking. The calculation in background is still running. Of course I need to check with memtest but will be noticed in news soon. Credits are normal as always.

Yeah I for one still have a few tasks waiting to finish up but hopefully mine will finish today.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Work available?? (Message 9722)
Posted 10 Mar 2024 by Profile mikey
Looks like all of the new uploaded work units got claimed right away. LOL.

yeah, was not much and old work, the new apps are counting nearly 0 estimated time as always, will try a bigger batch soon.

15) Message boards : Number crunching : Best CPU vs Price for Primes! (Message 9707)
Posted 3 Mar 2024 by Profile mikey
Glad to hear I helped you!

I use to give each core a task, but I found that giving larger tasks more cores really helped with completing them in a timely fashion.

You can find information on how to do that with this post:

You can choose to give each workunit app a different value of cores to use and concurrent tasks to run.

I ended up giving all tasks 4 cores and limited the concurrent instances to (Number of cores/4)-1 so that the TF task would run on the GPU.

I do know about that but do you know about wuprop? is a boinc project that you one task per pc and it counts the hours you put in for each application at each boinc project, ie these are my SRBase hours since I started running it counting my SRBase hours:
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long 92,062.18 215.62
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base 60,467.38 0.00
SRBase TF 57,775.23 5.95
SRBase Riesel Base - short 55,398.58 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long3 54,583.10 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski Base - short 52,399.33 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long2 52,092.23 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average2 51,083.50 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski Base 50,964.62 0.00
SRBase Riesel Base 50,888.92 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average 50,772.85 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base - short 43,424.43 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average3 38,794.68 0.00

You can see the app and after that is my total number of hours in each app and the last numbers are the number of hours for the last 24 hours.

I will also let my signature come thru this time so if you have them turned off turn them on so you can see the total number of credits I have right now and why getting credits faster isn't my goal anymore. And YES that is REALLY 1.6 Trillion credits!!


That is a pretty neat project. Thanks for sharing!

That is impressive amount of time on SRbase and the 1.3 Billion in credits is not bad either! :)

What is your current goal?

Thank you very much!! My current goal is to get each app up to 100K hours, the Long tasks got there today so I'm moving my pc's to a different Project, I still have them trying to get tasks here just not the Long tasks anymore. I did increase the number of gpu's to get the TF tasks though as I have a LONG way to go to get to 100K hours in them.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Work available?? (Message 9704)
Posted 29 Feb 2024 by Profile mikey
Everything from S79 is gone now, and this is the last S115 task still in progress.

Yeah, Iam back to home, sorry, working on the last batch now.

Last batch part1 is loading now.

Does this mean we are almost done with the SRB Long tasks and will move onto something else soon? I'm not complaining as it has been nice to run something besides 3 seconds tasks for awhile but something inbetween would be nice too, at least once in awhile. I think running only the short ones is partly why the website is so hard to connect to sometimes, too many of us all trying to return units at the same exact same moments in time.

We still have long WUs left.

Sounds good thank you
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Best CPU vs Price for Primes! (Message 9703)
Posted 29 Feb 2024 by Profile mikey
Glad to hear I helped you!

I use to give each core a task, but I found that giving larger tasks more cores really helped with completing them in a timely fashion.

You can find information on how to do that with this post:

You can choose to give each workunit app a different value of cores to use and concurrent tasks to run.

I ended up giving all tasks 4 cores and limited the concurrent instances to (Number of cores/4)-1 so that the TF task would run on the GPU.

I do know about that but do you know about wuprop? is a boinc project that you one task per pc and it counts the hours you put in for each application at each boinc project, ie these are my SRBase hours since I started running it counting my SRBase hours:
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long 92,062.18 215.62
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base 60,467.38 0.00
SRBase TF 57,775.23 5.95
SRBase Riesel Base - short 55,398.58 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long3 54,583.10 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski Base - short 52,399.33 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long2 52,092.23 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average2 51,083.50 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski Base 50,964.62 0.00
SRBase Riesel Base 50,888.92 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average 50,772.85 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base - short 43,424.43 0.00
SRBase Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average3 38,794.68 0.00

You can see the app and after that is my total number of hours in each app and the last numbers are the number of hours for the last 24 hours.

I will also let my signature come thru this time so if you have them turned off turn them on so you can see the total number of credits I have right now and why getting credits faster isn't my goal anymore. And YES that is REALLY 1.6 Trillion credits!!

18) Message boards : Number crunching : Work available?? (Message 9700)
Posted 28 Feb 2024 by Profile mikey
Everything from S79 is gone now, and this is the last S115 task still in progress.

Yeah, Iam back to home, sorry, working on the last batch now.

Last batch part1 is loading now.

Does this mean we are almost done with the SRB Long tasks and will move onto something else soon? I'm not complaining as it has been nice to run something besides 3 seconds tasks for awhile but something inbetween would be nice too, at least once in awhile. I think running only the short ones is partly why the website is so hard to connect to sometimes, too many of us all trying to return units at the same exact same moments in time.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : Best CPU vs Price for Primes! (Message 9699)
Posted 27 Feb 2024 by Profile mikey
I bought a pre-built refurbished HP Z840 dual socket from a reseller.

Yes! It has been up and running for ~8 months now and has gotten ~63M credits.

A lot of the credits were from TF, but it definitely does CPU tasks well with dual E5-2698 v3 16-core CPUs.

You are doing GREAT with it!! Was it a local to you supplier or not? Either way can I have their name so I can check them out please? I am always looking for newer pc's to increase my crunching with less power than I am using now. I'm still using some older AMD 6 cores and some Intel I7-4??? series cpu's. I do have a few newer ones as well like an AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16/32 core pc but the older Intel Xeon pc's I have do need to be replaced with pc's with more cpu cores.

I wish it was a local supplier! I would definitely visit to pick it up directly.

Absolutely! The vendor is

The only downside I have seen so far is they don't have a lot of post-commercial use Ryzens yet.

I wanted to give an update...I bought a dual Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz [Family 6 Model 62 Stepping 4] with 10/20 cpu cores on each cpu, so 40 cpu cores in the pc for $280 SHIPPED!!!

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for telling me about the place!! No it isn't the fastest pc but it sure does churn out 39 cpu tasks and 1 gpu task at a time!!! It's currently doing the SRB Long tasks like this on average:
25 Feb 2024, 20:30:53 UTC Completed and validated 156,990.60 156,990.60 2,800.00 Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long v0.42
20) Message boards : News : New TF multiGPU apps deployed (issues fixed) (Message 9654)
Posted 5 Feb 2024 by Profile mikey
Mr P Hucker wrote:

I don't understand what you mean. I wanted to run the same task on both GPUs at once. If the dodgy one gives a different result, there's something up.

This has never been allowed in any other Boinc Project so far, one task per gpu each running it's own task. It's not like gaming where you can double, triple whatever up on the gpu's to make the game perform better.

Unless you are talking about testing, then yes they often run the same task on each gpu, getting zero credits of course, to test the task on multiple gpu's.

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