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Number crunching :
Trial Factoring
(Message 6034)
Posted 6 Apr 2020 by forretrio The Boinc manager clock elapsed time also resets every time after going into sleep mode. For example this was reported to be done in 9000 secs http://srbase.my-firewall.org/sr5/workunit.php?wuid=373443206 while this was reported to be done in 30000 secs http://srbase.my-firewall.org/sr5/workunit.php?wuid=373443313 but they both took 8~9 hours, only that the first one had a break overnight. I know that does not affect the calculation but it does affect the associated stats. Would appreciate if there is a simple fix. |
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Number crunching :
Trial Factoring
(Message 6015)
Posted 4 Apr 2020 by forretrio Came here to check why the new batch is taking me up to 8 hours (1650) to complete and whoa I didn't expect a mix between 10 minutes tasks and 8+ hours task. Should I expect *some* long batches in the future? |
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Number crunching :
Credit granted seems unrelated to work done.
(Message 3455)
Posted 27 Apr 2017 by forretrio Work done are not necessarily measured in CPU time. Each task presumably completes an equal k range hence assigned the same credit locally. There are spikes along the curve hence the admin chooses to normalize the credit per task in each section. When I calculate the credits given in a long term the credits seemed to correlate with CPU time in contrast to your 'example' just from a few tasks, and you don't even bother to crunch for some more. |
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Number crunching :
LLR Version 3.8.20 released
(Message 3360)
Posted 29 Mar 2017 by forretrio Or the other way round: this is not supposed to have?!? I have the following app_config <app_config> When I run the apps I noticed that each llr.exe uses more than what it should have for 1 threads, but it is never faster than using a single thread, nor it is showing that multithreading is being used. The only difference I noticed is the change in stderr, there is a '4 thread' string in extra like Using all-complex FMA3 FFT length 288K, Pass1=384, Pass2=768, 4 threads, a = 3 so I wonder what's going wrong up there... |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
LLR Version 3.8.20 released
(Message 3359)
Posted 29 Mar 2017 by forretrio It's interesting that the client does not show that you are using multiple cores, but it actually is. Running fine here. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Whats the odds of a prime
(Message 3169)
Posted 29 Dec 2016 by forretrio A general theorem is that the prime density around some number N locally is 1/ln(N) [log natural]. However things can be much more complicated if we are just looking at numbers of a specific form, which this project does. I am pretty sure that there should be infinitely many primes of such form, but the distribution is something beyond my knowledge since I am not a specialist in number theory. [It's even doubtful that such result exists...] |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Whats the odds of a prime
(Message 3168)
Posted 29 Dec 2016 by forretrio Sorry for the bump... I read your FAQ about primes reporting. Rather than writing a post listing all the primes' founder and update it manually, is it possible to integrate it into the account profile page? Just like primegrid there's a row saying how many primes you've discovered in the profile page, and that would be much more convenient :) |