Application details for host 1535
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Missing app version
Number of tasks completed386
Max tasks per day50386
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks386
Average processing rate0.02 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.11 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed424
Max tasks per day50424
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks424
Average processing rate0.03 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.09 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed942
Max tasks per day50002
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks2
Average processing rate0.26 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.09 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed66
Max tasks per day50016
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks16
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time3.39 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed154
Max tasks per day50154
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks154
Average processing rate0.05 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.18 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed32
Max tasks per day50032
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks32
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time2.00 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed906
Max tasks per day50743
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks743
Average processing rate0.02 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.12 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed1245
Max tasks per day50004
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks4
Average processing rate0.12 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.03 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed201
Max tasks per day50195
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks195
Average processing rate0.02 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.27 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed158
Max tasks per day50104
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks104
Average processing rate0.03 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.24 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed92
Max tasks per day50092
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks92
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.48 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed5
Max tasks per day50005
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks5
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time2.79 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed446
Max tasks per day50446
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks446
Average processing rate0.02 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.22 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed292
Max tasks per day50292
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks292
Average processing rate0.02 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.23 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed410
Max tasks per day50392
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks392
Average processing rate0.05 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.21 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed125
Max tasks per day50003
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks3
Average processing rate1.17 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.00 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed1
Max tasks per day50001
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.63 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed1
Max tasks per day50001
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.47 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed8
Max tasks per day50007
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks8
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time2.59 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed1403
Max tasks per day51403
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1403
Average processing rate1.14 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.14 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed1646
Max tasks per day51646
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1646
Average processing rate0.09 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.23 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base 0.16 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Number of tasks completed209
Max tasks per day50209
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks209
Average processing rate0.37 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.17 days
Sierpinski Base - short 0.06 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Number of tasks completed264
Max tasks per day49975
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks0
Average processing rate0.14 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.33 days
Riesel Base - short 0.05 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Number of tasks completed4442
Max tasks per day52826
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks2826
Average processing rate1.03 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.01 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - short 0.05 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Number of tasks completed2008
Max tasks per day49969
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks0
Average processing rate0.06 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.38 days

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