Application details for host 2010
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Missing app version
Number of tasks completed563
Max tasks per day50465
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks465
Average processing rate0.12 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.02 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed14549
Max tasks per day62934
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks12934
Average processing rate1.33 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.00 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed64
Max tasks per day50064
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks64
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.19 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed37
Max tasks per day50037
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks37
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.83 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed1661
Max tasks per day51661
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1661
Average processing rate0.08 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.24 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed2087
Max tasks per day52087
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks2087
Average processing rate0.40 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.03 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed119
Max tasks per day50119
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks119
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.22 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed35653
Max tasks per day85653
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks35653
Average processing rate4.07 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.00 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed7
Max tasks per day50007
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks7
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.24 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed23481
Max tasks per day51420
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1420
Average processing rate0.10 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.04 days
Missing app version
Number of tasks completed69110
Max tasks per day70534
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks20534
Average processing rate4.27 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.00 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - short 0.06 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed34302
Max tasks per day79900
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks29900
Average processing rate0.17 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.01 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base 0.17 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed16186
Max tasks per day66186
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks16186
Average processing rate0.12 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.05 days
Sierpinski Base 0.06 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed7519
Max tasks per day53800
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks3800
Average processing rate0.10 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.08 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average 0.06 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed62
Max tasks per day50062
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks62
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.49 days
Riesel Base 0.08 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed18698
Max tasks per day61319
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks11319
Average processing rate0.28 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.01 days
Sierpinski Base - short 0.07 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed18814
Max tasks per day67520
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks17520
Average processing rate0.06 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.08 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average2 0.06 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed33
Max tasks per day50001
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.39 days
Riesel Base - short 0.06 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed77564
Max tasks per day122857
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks72778
Average processing rate4.18 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.00 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average3 0.06 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed75
Max tasks per day49997
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks0
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.88 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base 0.18 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed16508
Max tasks per day50000
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks0
Average processing rate0.24 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.02 days
Sierpinski Base 0.18 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed17073
Max tasks per day50001
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1
Average processing rate0.06 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.05 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average 0.18 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed17
Max tasks per day50017
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks17
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.61 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long 0.18 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed130
Max tasks per day50127
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks127
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.45 days
Riesel Base 0.18 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed50437
Max tasks per day49990
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks0
Average processing rate0.20 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.05 days
Sierpinski Base - short 0.18 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed12419
Max tasks per day49991
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks0
Average processing rate0.07 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.12 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average2 0.18 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed107
Max tasks per day50107
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks107
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.11 days
Riesel Base - short 0.18 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed140586
Max tasks per day49980
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks0
Average processing rate5.85 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.10 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average3 0.18 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed658
Max tasks per day50658
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks658
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.19 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - short 0.18 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed10038
Max tasks per day60038
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks10038
Average processing rate0.16 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.02 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long2 0.18 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed24
Max tasks per day50024
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks24
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.96 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long3 0.18 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed7
Max tasks per day50007
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks7
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.32 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base 0.20 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed532
Max tasks per day50532
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks532
Average processing rate0.08 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.10 days
Sierpinski Base 0.20 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed4046
Max tasks per day54046
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks4046
Average processing rate0.14 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.02 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long 0.20 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed1
Max tasks per day50001
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.90 days
Riesel Base 0.20 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed1377
Max tasks per day51377
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1377
Average processing rate0.66 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.01 days
Sierpinski Base - short 0.20 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed1830
Max tasks per day51830
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1830
Average processing rate0.10 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.07 days
Riesel Base - short 0.20 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed154
Max tasks per day50048
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks48
Average processing rate0.13 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.10 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - short 0.20 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed2436
Max tasks per day50002
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks7
Average processing rate0.08 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.17 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long2 0.22 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed8
Max tasks per day50008
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks8
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time7.14 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base 0.22 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed28073
Max tasks per day78073
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks28073
Average processing rate0.05 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.27 days
Sierpinski Base 0.22 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed10822
Max tasks per day60822
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks10822
Average processing rate0.12 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.03 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average 0.22 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed113
Max tasks per day49999
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks0
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.73 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long 0.22 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed1
Max tasks per day50001
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time5.61 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long3 0.22 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed1
Max tasks per day50001
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time8.96 days
Riesel Base 0.22 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed17657
Max tasks per day67657
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks17657
Average processing rate0.05 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.11 days
Sierpinski Base - short 0.22 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed3019
Max tasks per day53019
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks3019
Average processing rate0.03 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.17 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average2 0.22 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed41
Max tasks per day50041
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks41
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.40 days
Riesel Base - short 0.22 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed17489
Max tasks per day49996
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks0
Average processing rate6.60 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.41 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average3 0.22 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed28
Max tasks per day49999
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks0
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.45 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - short 0.22 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed9865
Max tasks per day59864
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks9864
Average processing rate0.03 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.47 days
Riesel Base 0.24 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed103
Max tasks per day50103
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks103
Average processing rate0.02 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.73 days
Sierpinski Base - short 0.24 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed1251
Max tasks per day51251
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1251
Average processing rate2.36 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.08 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base 0.26 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed94
Max tasks per day50094
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks94
Average processing rate0.03 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.11 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average 0.26 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed16
Max tasks per day49992
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks0
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.82 days
Riesel Base 0.26 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed9
Max tasks per day50009
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks9
Average processing rate0.03 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.17 days
Sierpinski Base - short 0.26 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed5970
Max tasks per day55970
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks5970
Average processing rate0.98 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.00 days
Riesel Base - short 0.26 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed26
Max tasks per day50026
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks26
Average processing rate0.02 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.09 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average3 0.26 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed2
Max tasks per day50002
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks2
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.72 days
Sierpinski Base 0.27 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed61
Max tasks per day50061
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks61
Average processing rate0.03 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.13 days
Sierpinski Base - short 0.27 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed3
Max tasks per day50003
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks3
Average processing rate0.70 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.00 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average2 0.27 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed4
Max tasks per day50004
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks4
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.35 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - short 0.27 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed9
Max tasks per day50009
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks9
Average processing rate0.08 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.03 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base 0.28 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed89
Max tasks per day50089
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks89
Average processing rate0.03 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.17 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long2 0.28 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed8
Max tasks per day50008
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks8
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.65 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average 0.28 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed12
Max tasks per day50012
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks12
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.56 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long 0.28 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed6
Max tasks per day50006
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks6
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time1.10 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long3 0.28 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed14
Max tasks per day50014
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks14
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.68 days
Sierpinski Base - short 0.28 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed72
Max tasks per day50072
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks72
Average processing rate0.38 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.08 days
Riesel Base - short 0.28 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed78
Max tasks per day50078
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks78
Average processing rate0.05 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.05 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average3 0.28 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed5
Max tasks per day50005
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks5
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.62 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long2 0.42 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed1
Max tasks per day50001
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time1.64 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long 0.42 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed3
Max tasks per day50003
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks3
Average processing rate0.01 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.15 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - short 0.42 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed15
Max tasks per day49998
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks0
Average processing rate0.05 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.05 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base 0.42 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed9
Max tasks per day50009
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks9
Average processing rate0.03 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.04 days
Sierpinski Base - short 0.42 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed6
Max tasks per day50006
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks6
Average processing rate0.03 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.06 days
Sierpinski Base 0.42 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed144
Max tasks per day50144
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks144
Average processing rate0.26 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.01 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long2 0.47 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed3
Max tasks per day50003
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks3
Average processing rate0.00 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time3.84 days
Sierpinski / Riesel Base 0.47 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed5
Max tasks per day50005
Number of tasks today4
Consecutive valid tasks5
Average processing rate0.02 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.08 days
Sierpinski Base 0.47 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed63
Max tasks per day50063
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks63
Average processing rate0.06 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.02 days
Sierpinski Base - short 0.47 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed26
Max tasks per day50026
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks26
Average processing rate0.35 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.00 days
Riesel Base - short 0.47 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed1
Max tasks per day50001
Number of tasks today0
Consecutive valid tasks1
Average processing rate0.08 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time0.03 days

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