Sierpinski / Riesel Base - short 0.06 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 6342 |
Max tasks per day | 54531 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 4532 |
Average processing rate | 0.10 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.05 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base 0.17 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 3475 |
Max tasks per day | 53474 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 3013 |
Average processing rate | 0.07 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.08 days |
Sierpinski Base 0.06 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 1974 |
Max tasks per day | 51706 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 1169 |
Average processing rate | 0.09 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.08 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average 0.06 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 21 |
Max tasks per day | 50021 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 21 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.56 days |
Riesel Base 0.08 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 4379 |
Max tasks per day | 53166 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 3166 |
Average processing rate | 0.19 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.07 days |
Sierpinski Base - short 0.07 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 1351 |
Max tasks per day | 51322 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 1322 |
Average processing rate | 0.09 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.05 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average2 0.06 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 15 |
Max tasks per day | 50015 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 15 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.50 days |
Riesel Base - short 0.06 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 6428 |
Max tasks per day | 51682 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 1682 |
Average processing rate | 2.30 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.04 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average3 0.06 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 9 |
Max tasks per day | 50009 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 9 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.57 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base 0.18 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 6241 |
Max tasks per day | 56241 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 6241 |
Average processing rate | 0.35 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.05 days |
Sierpinski Base 0.18 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 13398 |
Max tasks per day | 56418 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 6419 |
Average processing rate | 0.04 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.15 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average 0.18 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 3 |
Max tasks per day | 50003 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 3 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.66 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long 0.18 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 7 |
Max tasks per day | 50007 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 7 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.59 days |
Riesel Base 0.18 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 17398 |
Max tasks per day | 50053 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 53 |
Average processing rate | 0.09 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.13 days |
Sierpinski Base - short 0.18 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 3845 |
Max tasks per day | 50464 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 464 |
Average processing rate | 0.05 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.11 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average2 0.18 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 24 |
Max tasks per day | 50024 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 24 |
Average processing rate | 0.01 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.21 days |
Riesel Base - short 0.18 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 71929 |
Max tasks per day | 50722 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 722 |
Average processing rate | 3.78 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.03 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average3 0.18 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 66 |
Max tasks per day | 50066 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 66 |
Average processing rate | 0.01 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.27 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - short 0.18 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 6455 |
Max tasks per day | 50183 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 183 |
Average processing rate | 0.07 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.08 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long2 0.18 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 1 |
Max tasks per day | 50001 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 1 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 1.95 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base 0.20 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 119 |
Max tasks per day | 50119 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 119 |
Average processing rate | 0.04 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.05 days |
Sierpinski Base 0.20 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 848 |
Max tasks per day | 50848 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 848 |
Average processing rate | 0.05 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.05 days |
Riesel Base 0.20 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 382 |
Max tasks per day | 50382 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 382 |
Average processing rate | 0.23 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.02 days |
Sierpinski Base - short 0.20 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 32 |
Max tasks per day | 50032 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 32 |
Average processing rate | 0.08 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.03 days |
Riesel Base - short 0.20 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 4928 |
Max tasks per day | 54928 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 4928 |
Average processing rate | 1.65 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.01 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - short 0.20 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 791 |
Max tasks per day | 50791 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 791 |
Average processing rate | 0.04 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.07 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long2 0.22 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 7 |
Max tasks per day | 50007 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 7 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 7.04 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base 0.22 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 38201 |
Max tasks per day | 86641 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 36641 |
Average processing rate | 0.01 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.15 days |
Sierpinski Base 0.22 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 6277 |
Max tasks per day | 53325 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 3325 |
Average processing rate | 0.04 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.06 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average 0.22 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 72 |
Max tasks per day | 50072 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 72 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.64 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long 0.22 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 88 |
Max tasks per day | 50002 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 2 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 1.10 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - long3 0.22 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 2 |
Max tasks per day | 50002 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 2 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.69 days |
Riesel Base 0.22 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 2919 |
Max tasks per day | 52919 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 2919 |
Average processing rate | 0.05 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.06 days |
Sierpinski Base - short 0.22 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 511 |
Max tasks per day | 50511 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 511 |
Average processing rate | 0.02 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.15 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average2 0.22 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 36 |
Max tasks per day | 50036 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 36 |
Average processing rate | 0.01 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.20 days |
Riesel Base - short 0.22 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 4009 |
Max tasks per day | 50051 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 51 |
Average processing rate | 0.28 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.02 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average3 0.22 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 24 |
Max tasks per day | 50024 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 24 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.69 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - short 0.22 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 1080 |
Max tasks per day | 51080 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 1080 |
Average processing rate | 0.03 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.11 days |
TF 0.12 windows_x86_64 (cuda100) |
Number of tasks completed | 890 |
Max tasks per day | 50146 |
Number of tasks today | 7 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 146 |
Average processing rate | 0.02 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.12 days |
Riesel Base 0.24 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 24 |
Max tasks per day | 50024 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 24 |
Average processing rate | 0.01 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.57 days |
Sierpinski Base - short 0.24 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 641 |
Max tasks per day | 50641 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 641 |
Average processing rate | 0.78 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.12 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average 0.25 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 16 |
Max tasks per day | 50016 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 16 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.34 days |
Sierpinski Base - short 0.25 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 4238 |
Max tasks per day | 53298 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 3299 |
Average processing rate | 0.45 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.00 days |
Riesel Base - short 0.25 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 9 |
Max tasks per day | 50009 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 9 |
Average processing rate | 0.02 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.15 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base 0.26 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 7 |
Max tasks per day | 50007 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 7 |
Average processing rate | 0.01 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.26 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average 0.26 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 4 |
Max tasks per day | 50004 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 4 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.47 days |
Sierpinski Base - short 0.26 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 3296 |
Max tasks per day | 53296 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 3296 |
Average processing rate | 0.29 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.00 days |
Riesel Base - short 0.26 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 9 |
Max tasks per day | 50009 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 9 |
Average processing rate | 0.01 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.29 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average3 0.26 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 1 |
Max tasks per day | 50001 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 1 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 1.17 days |
Sierpinski Base 0.27 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 37 |
Max tasks per day | 50037 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 37 |
Average processing rate | 0.01 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.23 days |
Sierpinski Base - short 0.27 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 1769 |
Max tasks per day | 50725 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 726 |
Average processing rate | 0.19 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.01 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - average2 0.27 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 2 |
Max tasks per day | 50002 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 2 |
Average processing rate | 0.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.56 days |
Sierpinski / Riesel Base - short 0.27 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 1881 |
Max tasks per day | 51881 |
Number of tasks today | 0 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 1881 |
Average processing rate | 0.12 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.02 days |
Sierpinski Base - short 0.41 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 212 |
Max tasks per day | 50212 |
Number of tasks today | 129 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 212 |
Average processing rate | 0.14 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.01 days |
Riesel Base 0.41 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed | 181 |
Max tasks per day | 50181 |
Number of tasks today | 120 |
Consecutive valid tasks | 181 |
Average processing rate | 0.78 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time | 0.00 days |