The recent loaded WU
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Message boards : Number crunching : The recent loaded WU

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Profile marsinph
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Message 4649 - Posted: 7 Oct 2018, 8:47:01 UTC

Considering the post of Admin,
The new WU (S370 and 716 need about 10 minuts to run (on a 3.8Ghz))
On my host 104672, I have WU already 3 hours running
After restart, again started from null because no checkpoint/.
It is not the problem, we know it.

The problem is that WU are stuck at 100% !!!
One of the WU after 15 minuts running is at 100% and the other started at the same time are at 20% !!!

Who can explain ???
Best regards

Profile rebirther
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Message 4650 - Posted: 7 Oct 2018, 8:56:30 UTC - in response to Message 4649.
Last modified: 7 Oct 2018, 8:59:34 UTC

Considering the post of Admin,
The new WU (S370 and 716 need about 10 minuts to run (on a 3.8Ghz))
On my host 104672, I have WU already 3 hours running
After restart, again started from null because no checkpoint/.
It is not the problem, we know it.

The problem is that WU are stuck at 100% !!!
One of the WU after 15 minuts running is at 100% and the other started at the same time are at 20% !!!

Who can explain ???
Best regards

Can you check the stderr.txt file? You can calculate the runtime see FAQ. You can also post the content of the file here.

Profile marsinph
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Message 4660 - Posted: 9 Oct 2018, 14:46:24 UTC - in response to Message 4649.

I followed your calculation as describe in FAQ.
It not correspond at all with estimated running time !
host 104769 task S370_200-250k_WU_12161_0
(not yet returned) I guess about 15:15 UTC)

Situation after 38 minuts running :

15:58:07 (8244): wrapper (7.5.26012): starting
15:58:07 (8244): wrapper: running llr.exe ( -d -oPgenInputFile=input.prp -oPgenOutputFile=primes.txt -oDiskWriteTime=10 -oOutputIterations=50000 -oResultsFileIterations=99999999)
Base factorized as : 2*5*73
Base prime factor(s) taken : 73
Starting N-1 prime test of 85*730^214335+1
Using all-complex AVX FFT length 240K, Pass1=1280, Pass2=192, a = 3

85*730^214335+1, bit: 50000 / 2038699 [2.45%]. Time per bit: 2.969 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 100000 / 2038699 [4.90%]. Time per bit: 2.878 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 150000 / 2038699 [7.35%]. Time per bit: 2.993 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 200000 / 2038699 [9.81%]. Time per bit: 2.895 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 250000 / 2038699 [12.26%]. Time per bit: 2.697 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 300000 / 2038699 [14.71%]. Time per bit: 2.405 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 350000 / 2038699 [17.16%]. Time per bit: 2.154 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 400000 / 2038699 [19.62%]. Time per bit: 1.927 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 450000 / 2038699 [22.07%]. Time per bit: 1.928 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 500000 / 2038699 [24.52%]. Time per bit: 1.892 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 550000 / 2038699 [26.97%]. Time per bit: 1.957 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 600000 / 2038699 [29.43%]. Time per bit: 1.883 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 650000 / 2038699 [31.88%]. Time per bit: 1.891 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 700000 / 2038699 [34.33%]. Time per bit: 1.981 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 750000 / 2038699 [36.78%]. Time per bit: 1.919 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 800000 / 2038699 [39.24%]. Time per bit: 1.950 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 850000 / 2038699 [41.69%]. Time per bit: 1.971 ms.
85*730^214335+1, bit: 900000 / 2038699 [44.14%]. Time per bit: 1.913 ms.

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Message 4661 - Posted: 9 Oct 2018, 16:44:08 UTC

this happens from time to time.
for me i decided to look in the stderr-file and calculate the runtimes for myself

Profile rebirther
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Message 4662 - Posted: 9 Oct 2018, 18:43:11 UTC - in response to Message 4660.

For this WU the runtime should be 65min. Maybe CPU is throttled.

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Message 4663 - Posted: 9 Oct 2018, 18:44:47 UTC - in response to Message 4662.
Last modified: 9 Oct 2018, 18:52:42 UTC

Maybe CPU is throttled.

this is possible, when looking at the time per bit

my times right now:

Using all-complex FMA3 FFT length 144K, Pass1=768, Pass2=192, 6 threads, a = 3

159*754^133803+1, bit: 50000 / 1278944 [3.90%]. Time per bit: 0.351 ms.
159*754^133803+1, bit: 100000 / 1278944 [7.81%]. Time per bit: 0.292 ms.

Starting N-1 prime test of 106*716^216968+1
Using all-complex FMA3 FFT length 256K, Pass1=128, Pass2=2K, 5 threads, a = 3

106*716^216968+1, bit: 50000 / 2057682 [2.42%]. Time per bit: 0.499 ms.
106*716^216968+1, bit: 100000 / 2057682 [4.85%]. Time per bit: 0.488 ms.

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