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Message boards : Number crunching : Sieving

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Message 361 - Posted: 30 Dec 2014, 0:59:35 UTC


I fear to speculate how difficult it would be to set up a sieving effort via boinc, but ... there's been a TON of computing power added just within the last 3 days to this project .... but,

I think it a worthy endeavor to start eliminating bases outright... and hence my question as to what is being done on the bases with 5k's or less in regards to sieving since N is getting larger and tests are taking longer??

If BOINC sieving isn't feasible at this time, I am familiar with SRsieve and can do some manual sieving; I have a couple of i5 cores to donate...


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Message 362 - Posted: 30 Dec 2014, 1:28:08 UTC - in response to Message 361.
Last modified: 30 Dec 2014, 1:28:28 UTC


I fear to speculate how difficult it would be to set up a sieving effort via boinc, but ... there's been a TON of computing power added just within the last 3 days to this project .... but,

I think it a worthy endeavor to start eliminating bases outright... and hence my question as to what is being done on the bases with 5k's or less in regards to sieving since N is getting larger and tests are taking longer??

If BOINC sieving isn't feasible at this time, I am familiar with SRsieve and can do some manual sieving; I have a couple of i5 cores to donate...


Rebirther -

I have no clue what Neo just said... but as his teammate, I'm sure it was good ;) I can pitch in a couple of cores to help out...


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Message 365 - Posted: 30 Dec 2014, 5:53:59 UTC - in response to Message 361.


I fear to speculate how difficult it would be to set up a sieving effort via boinc, but ... there's been a TON of computing power added just within the last 3 days to this project .... but,

I think it a worthy endeavor to start eliminating bases outright... and hence my question as to what is being done on the bases with 5k's or less in regards to sieving since N is getting larger and tests are taking longer??

If BOINC sieving isn't feasible at this time, I am familiar with SRsieve and can do some manual sieving; I have a couple of i5 cores to donate...


You could help with manual sieving at mersenne.

Buster Gunn
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Message 367 - Posted: 30 Dec 2014, 8:04:38 UTC - in response to Message 365.

Prime Grid has a nice sieving app. Do you think they would
give you a copy of it?

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Message 368 - Posted: 30 Dec 2014, 12:32:48 UTC - in response to Message 365.


Ok, I can/will do that. Are there any bases in particular that we are working on here at SRbase that you feel need to be taken significantly deeper?

Again, I was thinking of those bases where five or less K's remain (i.e., where N is above 500K)


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Message 374 - Posted: 30 Dec 2014, 17:53:52 UTC - in response to Message 368.


Ok, I can/will do that. Are there any bases in particular that we are working on here at SRbase that you feel need to be taken significantly deeper?

Again, I was thinking of those bases where five or less K's remain (i.e., where N is above 500K)


Yes, all with 3k or less could be interesting.

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Message 396 - Posted: 31 Dec 2014, 13:12:18 UTC - in response to Message 374.

There's a challenge on Primegrid fast approaching. My cores will be dedicated to crunching for that challenge...

After that challenge though, I will take two bases significantly deeper... I will P/M Rebirther for his recommendation on which two bases he thinks we have a good chance of knocking 'out of the park'.

It's a good way to bring a TOP 5000 prime to the 'surface' :)


Profile Michael Goetz
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Message 406 - Posted: 1 Jan 2015, 3:32:28 UTC - in response to Message 367.

Prime Grid has a nice sieving app. Do you think they would
give you a copy of it?

Our sieving apps are open source and freely available to anyone who wants to use them. Actually, all of our apps are open source.

There's a lot of 'glue', however, that needs to be built to manage the sieve data on the server. That's the hard part.

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