Wasted computing time
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Message boards : Number crunching : Wasted computing time

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Message 5379 - Posted: 21 Aug 2019, 10:36:43 UTC

Hi, from what I've understood about the nature of the project, before loading new
work, the precedent batch needs to be completed. This naturally induces people to store a lot of WUs in their cache, which in turn causes a general slow down.
Has it ever been thought to limit the number of WUs a device can store? Or even completely eliminate the possibility to do it? This could significantly decrease the time needed to complete a batch, and everyone would be able to get work until the batch is *actually* finished.

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Message 5380 - Posted: 21 Aug 2019, 15:55:33 UTC - in response to Message 5379.
Last modified: 21 Aug 2019, 15:59:36 UTC

Hi, from what I've understood about the nature of the project, before loading new
work, the precedent batch needs to be completed. This naturally induces people to store a lot of WUs in their cache, which in turn causes a general slow down.
Has it ever been thought to limit the number of WUs a device can store? Or even completely eliminate the possibility to do it? This could significantly decrease the time needed to complete a batch, and everyone would be able to get work until the batch is *actually* finished.

Its limited to 50 per core depends on the runtime. Yes I agree that the turnaround time is a bit low at the moment.

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Message 5385 - Posted: 21 Aug 2019, 18:57:57 UTC - in response to Message 5380.

Hi, from what I've understood about the nature of the project, before loading new
work, the precedent batch needs to be completed. This naturally induces people to store a lot of WUs in their cache, which in turn causes a general slow down.
Has it ever been thought to limit the number of WUs a device can store? Or even completely eliminate the possibility to do it? This could significantly decrease the time needed to complete a batch, and everyone would be able to get work until the batch is *actually* finished.

Its limited to 50 per core depends on the runtime. Yes I agree that the turnaround time is a bit low at the moment.

Ok, thank you for the info!

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Message 5389 - Posted: 23 Aug 2019, 9:24:44 UTC

welcome David!

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