Too many workunits to finish.
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Message boards : Number crunching : Too many workunits to finish.

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Message 8157 - Posted: 28 Mar 2022, 1:01:26 UTC

Because World Community Gird is offline, I have a host doing mostly SRBase. So, I have an app_config file to set the number of threads and concurrent tasks for each of the apps.

However, BOINC keeps too many tasks to finish by the deadline. I have set the BOINC client and my SRBase preferences for this host not to store any additional work, but the problem persists. I was hoping it would sort itself out. Am I missing something?

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Message 8158 - Posted: 28 Mar 2022, 4:49:35 UTC - in response to Message 8157.

Because World Community Gird is offline, I have a host doing mostly SRBase. So, I have an app_config file to set the number of threads and concurrent tasks for each of the apps.

However, BOINC keeps too many tasks to finish by the deadline. I have set the BOINC client and my SRBase preferences for this host not to store any additional work, but the problem persists. I was hoping it would sort itself out. Am I missing something?

I dont know if the app_config is doing these problems, try to set work buffer to 0.1

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Message boards : Number crunching : Too many workunits to finish.

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