VM´s - Win or Linux WU´s do not run
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Message boards : Number crunching : VM´s - Win or Linux WU´s do not run

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Profile Hoshione
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Message 135 - Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 16:36:37 UTC

Hy there, i try to run the project in a VM, one under Windows XP Prof. 32bit and the other under Linux Ubuntu 13.10 - 32bit. It´s possible to install the project in both systems but the answer is always, ........CPU busy, no new work available and so on...... it´s not possible to get any WU ?? Where is the mistake, what can i do to get the WU´s and run theme in one of the systems ??

Thanks for the work during this project, have a nice day

Hoshione - a proud member of http://www.seti-germany.de

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Message 136 - Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 16:44:34 UTC - in response to Message 135.

Hy there, i try to run the project in a VM, one under Windows XP Prof. 32bit and the other under Linux Ubuntu 13.10 - 32bit. It´s possible to install the project in both systems but the answer is always, ........CPU busy, no new work available and so on...... it´s not possible to get any WU ?? Where is the mistake, what can i do to get the WU´s and run theme in one of the systems ??

Thanks for the work during this project, have a nice day

Hoshione - a proud member of http://www.seti-germany.de

Do you want to run it at the same time? What VM? You need to set 1 CPU core for each VM and you need some RAM.

Profile Hoshione
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Message 137 - Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 17:11:05 UTC - in response to Message 136.

1. - Oracle VM Virtual Box, Version 4.3.12
2. - in total i ran 3 VM´s at the same time
3. - enough RAM (because all other projects ran with the config of hardware).

On the main system (Win 7, AMD X6, 16 GB of RAM)the project work propperly.


Hoshione - a proud member of http://www.seti-germany.de

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Message 138 - Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 17:21:35 UTC - in response to Message 137.

1. - Oracle VM Virtual Box, Version 4.3.12
2. - in total i ran 3 VM´s at the same time
3. - enough RAM (because all other projects ran with the config of hardware).

On the main system (Win 7, AMD X6, 16 GB of RAM)the project work propperly.


Hoshione - a proud member of http://www.seti-germany.de

Check in BM prefs:
While processor usage is less than (0) percent

Profile Hoshione
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Message 139 - Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 17:37:05 UTC - in response to Message 138.

Checked, the settings was zero in both VM´s !

Hoshione - a proeud member of http://www.seti-germany.de

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Message 140 - Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 17:45:28 UTC - in response to Message 139.

Checked, the settings was zero in both VM´s !

Hoshione - a proeud member of http://www.seti-germany.de

Check also Suspend work while computer is in use and the other one in account prefs.

Profile Hoshione
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Message 141 - Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 19:02:19 UTC - in response to Message 140.

All prefs are marked to use the cpu in all situations.

Hoshione - a proud user of http://www.seti-germany.de

Profile Conan
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Message 142 - Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 20:44:35 UTC

If the problem is can't get any work units, it is probably because there is no work at the moment.
I think there are 32 (currently) work units waiting to be returned and then new work will be generated, that is going on from what I have read in the forums.


Profile Hoshione
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Message 143 - Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 21:17:40 UTC - in response to Message 142.

No, there are sometimes the information that there are WU`s but the answer is still "Scheduler request failed: HTTP file not found" or "no task send". I check always the news and the status from the project before I wrote something in a discussion Forum. ;-) Sorry for that but thank you for the little note ;-)

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Message 144 - Posted: 11 Dec 2014, 6:31:21 UTC - in response to Message 143.

I have successfully got work in the past.
At the moment I can see that there are no tasks ready to send.
However I often get the "HTTP file not found" message as well.

Some examples ...

11/12/2014 5:22:09 PM | SRBase | Requesting new tasks for CPU
11/12/2014 5:22:15 PM | SRBase | Scheduler request failed: HTTP file not found
11/12/2014 5:22:15 PM | SRBase | Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
11/12/2014 5:22:15 PM | SRBase | Requesting new tasks for CPU
11/12/2014 5:22:31 PM | SRBase | Scheduler request failed: HTTP bad gateway

11/12/2014 5:24:01 PM | SRBase | Requesting new tasks for CPU
11/12/2014 5:24:06 PM | SRBase | Scheduler request failed: HTTP file not found
11/12/2014 5:24:06 PM | SRBase | Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
11/12/2014 5:24:06 PM | SRBase | Requesting new tasks for CPU
11/12/2014 5:24:12 PM | SRBase | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
11/12/2014 5:24:12 PM | SRBase | No tasks sent

Profile Hoshione
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Message 147 - Posted: 11 Dec 2014, 18:31:43 UTC - in response to Message 144.

Thanks for your information, what I do not understand is that on my mainsystem the project got WU´s and on the VM´s not one....in the beginn the winxp 32 system calculated within a few seconds only calculation error WU´s and after that the system get no new WU´s at all. The Linux 32 bit Ubuntu VM didnt get any WU .....just the information that the HTTP File is not found and nothinmg else........ic see that many other crunchers get WU´s and credits.

Thats the reason why I have to ask the question "Why the project is not running in virtual machines ?"

Hoshione - a proud member of http://www.seti-germany.de

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