Whats the odds of a prime
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Message boards : Number crunching : Whats the odds of a prime

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Message 2672 - Posted: 4 Jul 2016, 1:40:06 UTC

I got to thinking. As of today I have hit 31 reported primes out of 27038292 tasks or roughly 1 out of every 87000 tasks..

Curious, I'm not a mathematician, but it would seem because each base is bound by an non infinite number my chances of hitting a prime are not 1/87000 as is seems. (I know the question is not phrased well, but is the chance of hitting a prime based on independent or dependent probability is what I'm asking I guess)?

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Message 2673 - Posted: 4 Jul 2016, 5:29:31 UTC - in response to Message 2672.

I got to thinking. As of today I have hit 31 reported primes out of 27038292 tasks or roughly 1 out of every 87000 tasks..

Curious, I'm not a mathematician, but it would seem because each base is bound by an non infinite number my chances of hitting a prime are not 1/87000 as is seems. (I know the question is not phrased well, but is the chance of hitting a prime based on independent or dependent probability is what I'm asking I guess)?

Not all primes I can publish here because of the amount and doing manually. The primes are uninfinite for each base but there is always a lucky hit every x tests.

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Message 3168 - Posted: 29 Dec 2016, 5:10:08 UTC - in response to Message 2673.
Last modified: 29 Dec 2016, 5:15:58 UTC

Sorry for the bump...

I read your FAQ about primes reporting. Rather than writing a post listing all the primes' founder and update it manually, is it possible to integrate it into the account profile page?

Just like primegrid there's a row saying how many primes you've discovered in the profile page, and that would be much more convenient :)

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Message 3169 - Posted: 29 Dec 2016, 5:15:47 UTC - in response to Message 2672.
Last modified: 29 Dec 2016, 5:16:09 UTC

A general theorem is that the prime density around some number N locally is 1/ln(N) [log natural]. However things can be much more complicated if we are just looking at numbers of a specific form, which this project does. I am pretty sure that there should be infinitely many primes of such form, but the distribution is something beyond my knowledge since I am not a specialist in number theory. [It's even doubtful that such result exists...]

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Message 3170 - Posted: 29 Dec 2016, 20:49:08 UTC - in response to Message 3168.

Sorry for the bump...

I read your FAQ about primes reporting. Rather than writing a post listing all the primes' founder and update it manually, is it possible to integrate it into the account profile page?

Just like primegrid there's a row saying how many primes you've discovered in the profile page, and that would be much more convenient :)

I have tried it last time but no success, there must be some code changes and I think the records of these primes are all manual work too.

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