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Message boards : Number crunching : Credit?

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Joined: 20 Dec 14
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Message 2830 - Posted: 28 Aug 2016, 6:52:23 UTC

I admit I only run a project for the credit..I could give a rat's ass about the :"science"

The average and long wu's don't get a fraction of the credit that simply running another base at 10 minutes or so get....

Seems to me the project meeds to cut the long and average into manageable pieces or increase the payout by 5x.....

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Message 2831 - Posted: 28 Aug 2016, 7:06:51 UTC - in response to Message 2830.

I admit I only run a project for the credit..I could give a rat's ass about the :"science"

The average and long wu's don't get a fraction of the credit that simply running another base at 10 minutes or so get....

Seems to me the project meeds to cut the long and average into manageable pieces or increase the payout by 5x.....

The credits per hour are 300cr for average and long, 240cr for all others. The runtime is estimated which is calculated on one core.

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Message 2832 - Posted: 28 Aug 2016, 16:20:16 UTC - in response to Message 2831.

Obviously my machines are to slow to to bother with the long wu's..

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Message 2833 - Posted: 28 Aug 2016, 17:03:47 UTC - in response to Message 2832.

Obviously my machines are to slow to to bother with the long wu's..

Not really, you can done the WUs in time but the CPU doesnt fit the test machine.

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Message 2834 - Posted: 28 Aug 2016, 22:37:06 UTC

I am running AMD Phenom's which are not a very fast computer compared to the current crop of Intel's, but I still can get from 89 cr/h + on the long work units.
The difference might be that I have gotten used to their speed where as others would think they are way too slow.

They still get the job done however.


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Message boards : Number crunching : Credit?

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